Chameleon Camp
We are pleased to announce that we shall be running our third Chameleon Camp this year!
This event will give all young people an opportunity to succeed. It is specifically designed for participants with special needs, who can benefit from a total inclusion experience.
Chameleon Camp is open to all Scout aged young people aged 6 to 18 years.
Sunday 20th July 2025

£15 per ticket
What is the objective of this event?
We believe that the joys of adventurous activities shouldn’t be limited. The aim of the Chameleon Camp is to give all young people an opportunity to succeed and share their experiences in an outdoor environment alongside members of their peer group, friends and siblings, just as they will when they become adults. This event is specifically designed for young people with special needs who can benefit from a total inclusion experience.
This event is open to all Scout aged young people aged 6 to 18 years. All participants may also bring a friend or sibling to share the experience with them who also do not need to be within the Scout movement.
A day of activities ranging from Backwoods Cooking, Archery and Zip Wire.
The day will run from approximately 10:00am - 4:00pm and each participant will be able to bring along one friend/young family member to experience the day with.
Tea/coffee and refreshments will be available throughout the day for carers/parents. All participants should bring their own packed lunch.
The cost will be £15 per young person. Each participant will be issued with a Chameleon camp badge. Parents/carers can attend the event for free.
All activities will take place outside so please ensure you are prepared with appropriate clothing for outdoor activities.
Provisional Event Details

Provisional day's Layout
The event will run from approximately 10:00am - 4:00pm and participants can arrive from 9:30am.
Activities will then run throughout the day with an hours break for lunch in between, The day will then finish with all participants around a campfire for some traditional campfire songs. Participants will depart site at 4:00pm.
We are currently working on confirming all the activities that will be taking place during the event and the exact programme layout for the day. Once we have all of these confirmed we shall update accordingly.
terms and conditions
The aim of this event is to give all young people an opportunity to succeed. It is specifically designed for campers with special needs who can benefit from a total inclusion experience.
Therefore, Ferny Crofts have implemented a few terms and conditions for the weekend:
Participants have to have attendance booked in advance and can not just turn up on the day, due to the programme layout and staffing having to be confirmed before the event starts.
Participants must be between the ages of 6-18.
This is event is only open to young people with additional needs, plus ONE friend/family member who they can share the day with (they do not have to have additional needs).
Participants can only bring ONE friend/young family member along, also between the ages of 6-18. There may be flexibility with this depending upon availability and circumstances.
Carers/parents must stay for the duration of the event with their child.
Leaders/parents can attend the event for free but are not guaranteed to be able to partake in the activities.
Participants need to bring their own packed lunch. Refreshments will be provided for carers/parents throughout the day.

how to make a booking
Bookings can be made by via our booking portal. Please click HERE.
We shall require the following information:
Lead contact name, email and phone number
Participant Name and information of medical conditions.
Name of friend/young family member attending
Date of birth of participants
Emergency contact details.
If you have a question or would like to speak to a member of our team to find out more information, please contact the office on: 02380845092
volunteers needed
To help us make the Ferny Crofts Chameleon Camp a success we shall require a selection of volunteers to assist our staff throughout the day. We shall need people to help with a variety of jobs such as:
Running some of the activity zones.
Assisting our instructors on sessions
Catering will be provided throughout the event for all volunteers.
Camping will also be available. Any volunteers 18 and under must be accompanied by an adult leader.
To volunteer for the Ferny Crofts Chameleon Camp 2025, please click HERE and complete the form.
If you would like further information about volunteering at Ferny Croft contact us via: fernycrofts@fernycrofts.org.uk or call us on 02380845092.